Crest Builder Holdings Berhad

"The Crest Builder Group is a specialist construction and engineering contractor, with over 25 years of experience and an abundance of resources including over 300 professional, technical and operational staffs." |
The Crest Builder Group of Companies was founded in 1983 by Yong Soon Chow, a former engineer with the Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR). Spearheading with foresight, and armed with the expertise of his management artillery, the Managing Director successfully earmarked for the company, a niche and carved a name in the construction industry. It has been a steady journey towards the top, guided by a vision to create shareholders' value through prudent business policies, while emphasizing on quality and timely delivery of projects. With industry experience spanning two decades, the Group is a well-established player in the construction industry. It has a proven track record in infrastructure development, especially in the construction of roads and bridges as well as in the building development, such as hospitals, schools, universities, commercial as well as residential developments. Its parent company, Crest Builder Holdings Berhad was incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965 on 9th March 2002 as a public limited company. The Holdings company is principally an investment holding company and successfully undertaken a Corporate and Debt Restructuring Scheme which involved the listed the listing status of MGR Corporation Berhad (Special Administrators appointed) being transferred to Crest Builder Holdings Berhad upon completion on the restructuring exercise. CBHB was listed on the Main Board of the Bursa Malaysia on the 12th June 2003. Crest Builder Sdn Bhd is a registered as a Class A Contractor (PKK) with the Ministry of Entrepreneurial Development as well as in the G7 category with the Construction Industry Development Board of Malaysia (CIDB). Crest Builder has also obtained the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems Certification by UKAS and SIRIM QAS in 2002. Today, Crest Builder has diversified from its core construction business into other businesses. Construction aside, the Group's mechanical and electrical division offers a series of wide range of mechanical and services. The Group has also diversified into property development, of which the flagship development, 3 Two Square is in the heart of Petaling Jaya. |